4 Ways to Tell If Your Spa Requires Cleaning
Whether you have a spa in your home or as part of your business, keeping it clean and well maintained should be a top priority. Spa cleaning is quite different from regular swimming pool cleaning. The water temperature, movement, and frequency of spa use make cleanliness and proper management even more important.
A small cleanliness problem in your spa may also result in significant repairs down the road. For example, a heavily clogged filter may eventually cause damage to your heat pump (which will cost you much more to fix). Knowing when to clean your spa will help you avoid such problems and keep your family (and your guests) comfortable. Here are 4 ways you can tell if it is time for a pool cleaning.
1. If the cartridge filters are dirty
The cartridge filters are simple yet important parts of your spa. Many spa cleaning professionals recommend that you run your hot tub at least twice a day. This ensures that water is passed through the filters to remove dirt and debris.
Once you notice that your cartridge filters are excessively soiled, it's time to call a professional spa cleaning service. You may choose to simply replace the filters, but remember that your spa will also need to be cleaned to prevent water from becoming dirty in a short amount of time.
2. If there are debris and scum in the spa
Over time, scum, debris, and dirt tend to infiltrate your spa. This is normal, but it requires you to clean the inner shell of your spa on a regular basis. You may choose to scrub off surface stains using vinegar, but you should plan for a spa cleaning service to drain and thoroughly clean the hot tub at least 3–4 times a year.
During this cleaning process, the spa service will de-stain the inner shell of your spa and ensure that the water supply is free from scum, mildew, and other contaminants.
3. If the water has an imbalanced pH
Similar to a swimming pool, your spa should have a neutral pH of between 7 and 7.5. You can use test strips to ensure that the readings remain consistent whenever your spa is in use. If your test strips show a reading of below 6, the water will be too acidic. Similarly, higher readings (of more than 8) show that the water is too basic. Make sure a spa cleaning service restores your water to the correct pH if your readings are off.
4. If a mobile application tells you so
Finally, you can make pool cleaning easier by taking advantage of technology. Use a mobile application to determine when your filters need to be changed, when the spa needs to be cleaned, and when draining is necessary.